Kyiv Pechersk Lavra

Kyiv Pechersk Lavra is a Orthodox Christian monastery.

The monastery complex is located on the right bank of the Dnieper River on the Pechersk Hill. The site is protected as the National Historic Landmark. The monastery complex includes several buildings, including the following:

The lavra was founded in 1051 by the monk Anthony, who came from the Kiev area. The first structure was the Cathedral of the Dormition, dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

In 1240, the Cathedral of the Dormition was destroyed by the Mongols. The current structure dates from the late 16th century. During its history, the monastery was several times robbed and devastated by invaders. It was richly decorated from the times of Petro Doroshenko and until the 18th century. The monastery has important historical and architectural monuments, and a unique collection of rare books (Svyatynsky library).

In the time of the Soviet Union, the monastery was turned into a museum, and its monks forced to live elsewhere, as the Lavra was used as a museum, even though the monastery continued to function. The Lavra was returned to the Orthodox Church in 1991 and monks returned to live there.


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